Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist who became famous for introducing the “Power Pose as a body language.” defined Body Language as a form of nonverbal communication just like gestures, posture, and facial expression. Cuddy then said that the “power pose” could be used as a tool to remind oneself of how great you are, how successful you can be, and how far you can go. To put it simply, the “Power Pose” is the body language of dominance, power, and self-confidence.
An example of a power pose she presented is the “Wonder Woman Power Pose.” To recreate this pose, stand with your feet apart, both hands on your hips, and chin tilted upward with grace. This position creates the feeling of being confident and powerful. This is very helpful in times of self doubt and low composure.
Another is the “High-power posing.” This is about opening up. Stretch and expand your body to take up as much space as possible. An example of which, for animals, when they feel powerful, they extend their chest and make them big. Also, for most of the people, they raise their hands forming a V shape and chin up, most especially whenever they feel like they’ve succeeded; then do the exact opposite when they feel defeated or loss.
When you do these poses, you are not only uplifting yourself to be positive but you are also encouraging others to feel the same way you’re feeling.
So as early as now, try it! Or better yet, include it in your daily morning routine.