Have you ever just felt like packing your things and leaving for a good weekend to get away from everything? As a huge fan travelling, I’ve been on this path loads of times. Thank heavens for working at home. No more worrying about filing leaves and missing tasks.
One of the perks of working freelance is having control of your time. You could finally take that holiday you’ve always wanted to take without worrying about filing a leave. If you’ve got the money and the time, then why not enjoy yourself for a while. Take some time off, rejuvenate. Pick a place that satisfies both your needs and your budget and get going.
When preparing for a holiday, one of the major worries is packing. Sometimes you’d pack too light, other times you pack too much, so you have to make sure that you’ve got all you need to bring with you without under or over packing.
Plan your outfits for each day and make sure you’ve checked how the weather would be at the place you’re visiting on that particular period. This will minimize chances of packing things you’re not even going to wear and/or risk the chances of you being inappropriately dressed. This will also make dressing up every morning quicker. Add one or two shirts just in case of messy accidents.
Limit your accessories to what you can use repeatedly and alternately. Mix and match them with the outfits you will be bringing and you’d have fewer things to pack.
Even if you’re staying at a hotel, it’s better to pack extra ones in case you’re not comfortable with whatever brand the place puts in their bathrooms. It’s best to be prepared.
Vitamins, your inhaler, pills to regulate your period… bring what you need in case of an attack. You can never be too safe. Better to pack what you MIGHT need than run that risk. And sunscreen. One can never have enough sunscreen if you’re going for a sunny holiday.
If you’re travelling overseas, don’t forget your passport. Even if it’s not overseas, bring your passport or any valid IDs, it would be better if the ID bears a photo of you. You never know when you’d be ID-d by a bar you go to or have to whip it out for some kind of mess up (let’s hope not).
CHARGERS (and other necessary accessories for your gadgets)
A dead battery only kills the atmosphere of a good holiday. What will you use to take photos for totally picture-perfect moments? How will you make an emergency call in case something happens? Make sure your gadgets are full charged when going out. A powerbank also comes handy in low-batt situations. Make sure you’ve got all that you need to keep you tech-ed up.
One of- if not THE- most important things you should never ever forget are your necessary travel documents: your ticket, your passport, your reservation information, your IDs, and a guide. Sure, the movies make it sound like an adventure when you lose one of these but it’s best to stick to the plan. You’re not going to end up in the arms of some millionaire who’d pay for your holiday because the films made it seem like it’s likely to happen. Trust me, my friend has been on the bitter side of a lost passport and it wasn’t pretty.
It’s best to plan your budget for the whole trip but you never know when you’d have to add a couple bucks to make your holiday more comfortable. If you have an emergency credit card, bring that with you too. This extra cash should be used sparingly, or not at all and just kept there IN CASE OF EMERGENCIES. You don’t want to vacay like Kim K then come home less Rich Kids of Beverly Hills and more Extreme Cheapskates.
Now you know what you need to bring for a worry-free vacation. Keep a checklist in case and make sure you’ve actually put them inside your bag. Have a great holiday!!!