You could be one of the youngsters who spent every waking second studying or you could be one of those who procrastinated everything till the last minute because there were other things you had to do; things that mattered to YOU. Whether you’re either type or somewhere in between, it doesn’t quite matter as long as you have the diploma to prove that you actually did well and that’s good enough for some companies when you’re applying for entry-level jobs. That is, if you find any.
For years we prepare for a life that the system has set for us: go to school, graduate, get a stable job, a family, a house, probably a pet or two. But, the thing that people don’t tell you is that it isn’t going to be easy getting there. There are too many things that we wish adults have warned us about but they don’t tell and here are some of them:
When you’re in school, adults often make you feel like you can get the job you’re aiming for right off the bat. But that’s not the case. Unless you’ve already reached out to the field before you even finish college, chances of you getting that dream job is not that high. There are a hundred others like you and you need to have had prepared ten times more to make sure they pick you over them.
There is no shame on taking on a job that’s not exactly your dream job but is in your field. It’s better to get experience than waste your time doing nothing because you’re waiting for your dream job to open up. Don’t be disheartened. Not all plans work out the way we want them to and that’s alright. Things will get better. Sometimes, that detour could actually lead to the right path, to where you’re supposed to be.
So you’re done with school and you’ve found a job that pays, it’s not much but you’re doing well. Then you log on to your social media sites and see the people you went to school with; they’re getting engaged, married, or having kids. Suddenly, your accomplishments feel small compared to theirs.
Don’t let it get to you. Settling down isn’t something that has a deadline. Just because someone said that the best time to get married is in your late twenties doesn’t mean you HAVE to get married in your late twenties; others have to wait until they’re fifty and they’re just as happy. Some people don’t even get married and they’re doing just fine.
It’s never too late to chase your dream. It’s never too late to start a family. Time is but a limit we give ourselves. It, HOWEVER, does not give you the excuse to not do anything with your life. Just because you have time, doesn’t mean you should waste it.
Your twenties is meant to be a transition period from your dependent to your independent life; the period when you finally get your life together without having others interfere with your decisions. There is no official “correct” way to live your life and that’s what you truly find out in your twenties.